Friday, May 7, 2010

Food Cravings

When you travel to far far away lands you find that sometimes, completely randomly, you get cravings. Today my craving is for Woolworths Chocolate Birthday Cake! I don't know why or how but it is. I'm just dying for a piece, a very big, piece. Other cravings have included mum's spag bol. or maybe just the Venetian sauce that she uses. Steffen is a great cook but his spag bol doesn't come close to my unfortunately high standards that I've developed over the past 18 years and 10 months. Other things involve a good warm bowl of weetbix and milk in the morning. Schweppes Lemonade. Sara Lee Rocky Road Ice Cream and my annual obsession with Sara Lee Ultra Choc that KFC sells for mothers day every year. Fredo Frogs and Caramello Koalas, the big $1 ones. Oh man, my Smiths chicken chips which Mum sends over regularly. Thanks Mum. Meat Pies are also high on the list. Steffen even misses these. Poor guy, hasn't had one since last July. But seriously I would consider paying €20 for a hot Barnetts Bakery plain meat pie with tomato sauce put in the meaty part of each bite to cool it down. Awww. I don't really miss Tim Tams or Vegemite as I can easily buy them in Frankfurt from the Australian shop. So I guess cravings, in the end, are the things you can't have.
Mmm Woolie's birthday cake.



  1. This year Kfc didnt have the Ultra Choc Ice Cream. We have this crappy little "sweet bites" little cake thingys :( dissapointment

  2. Nooo! That was the best part about working there in May! Buying it and keeping it in the fridge to eat on break. :( This is horrific! haha
