Thursday, April 1, 2010

Every Morning - Sugar Ray

I remember how years ago I'd fill my sisters luncbox up with choc chips so when she opened it they went everywhere and turning the shower head upside down so when people turned it on the shower wouldn't work and some other small things. Rebellious, I know, but that was many April Fools Days ago.
This April Fools Day is a windy but sunny one with no plans of fooling. The weather here is a bit of a joke in itself anyway. Finally Spring is here and you can actually feel the UV rays on your skin! Best of all is that the snow has disappeared. I never want to see it again, or at least for a long time. Yesterday I went on a short ride on the bike, which I have to give back because Marco's scoot died in an accident, to show you all just how great spring is by using my park as an example.

Check Spelling
And the title of the blog is dedicated to kizza and our conversation this morning about driving to hatty with my beach CD. Good times.

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