Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Amiens is a really beautiful city, Steffen even likes it more than Paris but I don't think it's fair to compare. Amiens is the capital of the Somme region in France and it's quite weird as you drive into the 'city' it is all just brick apartments all lined up against each other and everything looks very old but then all of the sudden you reach the centre and there's a very tall and thin building along other very old buildings. Within the centre was also the Notre dame (yep, there's more than one in France) Cathedral which is surrounded by restaurants, small cafes, smaller bookshops, a really good shopping district, canals, a tiny amphitheatre and to add to the city's charm pretty much all the streets were cobblestone.

Steffen was on a mission here to find his beloved Panach', this is a French beer with a very low alcohol content. We asked this poor French 20 something guy who I think we scared more than anything but we
did find the shopping centre, it's called 'Match', if you're ever in Amiens. So Steffen got his Panach' and while buying it there was a man just outside the counter with a snake acting like it was the norm. Me and the security guard just shared a worrisome glance. It was also here that I discovered that food in France is expensive. In fact most things in France are expensive, that or Germany is very cheap when it comes to confectionery and other things. For example a Bueno is 79 cents in Germany. In France its a grand 1.45€. No thank you. However France does sell chicken flavoured chips (poulet roti et thym, thats- roast chicken and thyme by the way) so that made everything okay.

After we brought the Panach' we found a restaurant along the river. There were Aussies everywhere again, even a cadet group. The 3 Aussies sitting at the table behind us though were embarrassing though. So arrogant. Anyway my dinner was great, just a chicken burger and chips but it was so good. Steffen's steak was unfortunately a bit raw. We had a wine to go with all of this and since Steffen had to drive I ended up drinking the most and didn't realise how much I had drank until I stood up. Well, let me tell you, cobble streets aren't as charming when you've had a bit like they are when you're sober but it was fun anyway. We walked around some more and ended up going to Macca's on the way home for a sundae. This, ladies and gentlemen, was the best sundae I have ever had. If you go to France get a sundae because they put crushed peanuts in it and it's just soo good.


  1. so jealous. i know i posted alot of ocmments in like less then an hour its so good to read that your having so much fun and are enjoying it. It's after reading all of this that i have become more jealous of you and miss you more =P xoxox KEEP WRITING =]

  2. heyy lukas!!! I miss you heaps too and all your craziness. You know I still have that piece of paper you put in my pocket one day that said smile!, you're really smart. It's on my wall at home : D So happy you love the blog and that you comment it makes me super happy haha. I hope everything is going fantastic and that your art major isnt killing you yet!
