Saturday, June 12, 2010

Farewell Dinner

Last night I went out to a little but crazy Mexican restaurant with Dave, Steffi, Renate and her husband. I really can't remember the last time I laughed so much for so long! Everything was so random. We arrived and the whole place was packed due to the game between Mexico and South Africa. There was live Mexican music and lots of people dressed up running around, a real little fiesta. We sat outside which was a nice thing to do finally now that the weather is warm enough. While the service was a bit questionable the food was really good (when it came). However it was the conversation and the company that really made the night. Like making up websites that would have Dave's face pop up in the corner with a speech bubble saying "that's crass" (he says it all the time). It was a fantastic 5 hours and one of the best farewells I've ever had. I'm really going to miss these kids, I don't think I'll find another group of people like them. I guess this is a part of travelling I'm going to have to get use to from now on. Saying goodbye to people and knowing you either won't see them for a long time or you won't see them again at all. Odd.

Dave and I, he was the first person I was introduced to and we've worked as a little team in the English classes. He knows pretty much everything about ancient history, it's really impressive. If I had the best memory and remembered everything he told me, man, I'd be so smart. Dave and I also were the little 'Anglo-Saxon ' team, he made fun of me about being so young and not knowing the bands he talks about and I make fun of him for his age and listening to triple J when he was in Australia.
This is Steffi, she's awesome. The first Friday I had had at the school wasn't so great and I was thinking maybe I shouldn't work here but then she came on Monday after being sick and I decided to stay. She is so friendly and chirpy, I love it. I think she is more outgoing and crazier than me, going to concerts and all. It's always fun to be around her.
And this was my drink for the night, 'Coconut Lips' or 'Coconut Dream' I can't remember but it had strawberry stuff in it with tequila. Sooo incredibly nice.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, it was a fun farewell dinner - think of the WELCOME BACK dinner in October :-) !!! Have fun travelling the world! Steffi
