Monday, June 14, 2010

Australia vs Germany

So, here it is, the Australia vs Germany post. Possibly one of the worst experiences of my time over here. As usual and as people usually do, I'll start from the start. From the beginning of the day I was hyped and twitching with nerves. Steffen and I dressed up in our gear. Him in his German shirt with 'Kunze 86' on the back and me with my Socceroo scarf and shirt. We rode our bikes around town a bit and the stares were already coming my way but I was proud. I must say, we would have been an awkward site. An Australian and a German riding and walking together. How dare they! But all was good. After awhile we parked our bikes at the train station and caught the train into Frankfurt. There was people dressed up everywhere. I had never seen so many German flags and people in German colours before. And here was me, in green and gold. As we made our way to maccas, for a quick bite before heading onto the Frankfurt Stadium, this middle aged couple ran up to me with big smiles. They asked where we were watching the game and I immediately picked up on their accents. AUSSIES! It was so nice and calming to meet them. The lady said she hoped Australia would win but me and the man just looked at each other and were like 'Nooo'. I for the first time really didn't want us to win and I knew I had nothing to worry about. I predicted a 3-1. So we had our lunch and walked back to the main station where even more fans were running around. There was people selling flags and scarfs, extra security, people blowing into their tri-coloured trumpets and then just common people wanting to just get out of all the commotion. I stuck close to Steffen the whole time and told him, quite seriously, to never leave me alone for the entire time.

We arrived at the stadium and landed perfect seats right in front of the big screen. 1 Australian, 40,000 Germans. Well, there were some other people dressed as Aussies but they were actually from America and England. Pretenders. I also saw another Australian flag on the other side of the stadium but that didn't help. The German anthem was played and the stadium goes crazy. The Australian anthem is played and I go crazy. Steffen helped me hold up my flag though so that was nice. The person sitting next to Steffen tried to put a German flag on my face like Steffen has above but I proudly kept my face clean. First goal is scored by Germany. Well, I have never received so many looks in my life. I didn't mind though, it was a good goal and I can respect that. Besides, there was plenty of time for Australia to score. Yeah, right. Germany scored again. To me, that was Schwarzer's fault, he shouldn't have come so far out of the box. Still it was OK, my 3-1 prediction was still possible.

We get to half time and I begin talking to my surrounding Germans. I assure them all that Australia is still the better country no matter what and that I just want Australia to score one goal. Just one dammit. The man next to Marco also wanted us to score because if his prediction came true (4-1) his wife would make him breakfast in bed for a year. Good luck with that one. Second half begins. Surely our time was now. Germany gets a few close ones and everyone in the stadium stands up cheers (Germany misses) they all sit down. This is when I'd jump up and cheer, making some fun of them. Tim Cahill gets his red card. To me, as soon as he is out, Australia is out. Of the whole World Cup, that is. Steffen agreed that it was really harsh and I said anything from now on will be unfair. The ref only got worse along with the score. Germany scored again and I just buried my head in my flag while everyone around me is jumping and patting my head. So ok, 3-1, still possible. I told the people around me Germany isn't allowed to score again, it was our turn! It wasn't. Good ole Deutschland strikes again, and that my friends, was bad. I spent the whole time wrapped in my flag, my head in my hands and elbows on knees, waiting for something heaven sent. At 88 minutes Steffen makes the decision to start walking to the train and I agree.

We were outside the stadium when it finished and all you could see were bright lights flashing and hear people cheering. I wish Australia could make such a win so we could celebrate that much one day. The Germans were so jubilant. Believe me, unless you are in Germany at the same time as a similar occasion you will never see so many happy Germans in the one place like I have. In a way that is sad. 4-0 was a severe loss and I can't say I was happy about it, but Germany is the better team, everyone knows and that's ok. But what happened next, in my point of view, was uncalled for. We were walking towards the train with 1000's of other people and then a group behind me start singing, 'AUSTRALIA IST SCHEIßE'!! over and over. Then it was 'SHIT ON KOALA'S' and I had people laughing in my directing. I had never been in such a situation. A place where I have so many people shouting that the thing I am most proud of is shit. I couldn't help but take it all personally. It required a lot of self control to keep quiet and keep walking. The only thing I did say was 'At least I'm not German!' I wasn't going to go further because then I would be like them. I was holding the tears back as we boarded the train and things kept going. I have no problem with people celebrating. Germany has a fantastic team, they should be celebrating, jumping up and down, blowing into their incredibly annoying trumpets. But leave Australia alone. Steffen put on his Australia shirt to help me out a bit so I wouldn't feel so alone and it also shut some people up on the train. But still it's not what you're wearing on the outside. It's who you are on the inside, and that's Australian.

Finally the train journey ended and we got to our bikes. Steffen suggested we go to the centre of Offenbach to see the party. Ha ha, no. I just wanted to get inside and the sooner the better. Without waiting for Marco and Steffen I jumped on my bike and speedy gonzala-ed home. The little light from my bike leading the way through the dark park. I got home in record time that night. Steffen and I got inside and I just burst, incredibly shaken from the new and never again experience. I got Mum on skype and she calmed me down. By 1am things were better and Steffen and I talked about it all more so we could understand both sides. Naturally at times during the evening I wasn't too impressed with him but that's just emotions from the game. Afterwards we just talked about the actual game, something that is a blur and hadn't been focused on. Eventually sometime past 2am I fell asleep.

And now I've come home from work and Steffen arrived soon after with a jar of Vegemite for me. All is well.

1 comment:

  1. I have no interest in soccer and you made it interesting, personal and fun ot read. Im sorry your night didnt turn out to well but it still looks like u had a good time. If you dont make it with the whole hotel thing(which i doubt you wont make it, ie you defs will) then you should totes be a writer! or do it on the side! yeah go me im so smart =] LOL be good. xx
