Saturday, May 8, 2010


It seems in the last few days Australia has been playing peek-a-boo with me. Yesterdays post was a clear indication that I clearly can't get some top Aussie cuisine out of my head. However this is not all. At school I was glancing through a Realschule (kind of school certificate) and there was more than one test that included a section on Australia. A student began asking me about ice cream in Australia and telling me about an Australian ice cream place in Frankfurt. The student I tutor brought in a magazine with a section on Qantas and a poster of a plane flying over Sydney (I couldn't help but point out my future university and how I climbed the bridge to him). This picture above also came up on a website a randomly visited. It all makes me think about when I'll be home again. I'm not homesick as such, it's more of a complete rush of excitement. I'm so excited to be moving to Sydney, finding my first apartment (I've already started browsing on Domain for some ideas), decorating this apartment (I constantly look on Apartment Therapy for ideas too!). Also starting University! I get to wear sassy business clothes. Also my internship, lately I've been thinking whether to do it overseas or in Australia. I'm also guilty of thinking about where I want to travel to next. Horrible, I know. Mind you this is normally when I'm bored, I still have a gigantic summer in front of me which is taking me to; England, Scotland, Italy, France, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic and possibly some of those little countries in between. But sometimes, just sometimes, Australia seems to peek out of nowhere and remind me of where all this travelling ends and another part of life begins. Like right now, I'm just dreaming about my first morning back waking up in my bed again and walking out to the backroom and seeing the sunny backyard and pool. Deary me.


  1. You forgot to mention a few little things in ur discussion of ur appartment in Sydney... like how ur good mate Kiz is gonna come down on regular holls and ur gonna take him out n show him where all the hip cool cats of Sydney go.


  2. haha anytime Kiz anytime. Consider my couch your second bed.
