Monday, November 1, 2010

Fly Away Home

It's time the write
the post. I've thought about this one since the beginning of the whole blog. What should I write? What picture should I use to start it with? Actually, it was months ago I decided to use the picture of geese, inspired from the movie - Fly Away Home. Anyway.
I am listening to a song I haven't listened to since last year when I was planning this trip, Faith and White Light by Jimmy Khoury. I got it from a DVD that greatly inspired me for this year, A Map For Saturday.

This post may seem like it's going to be another Heathrow blog post repeat. It's not. This is about the whole 11 months. It's strange right now, because in the days before I haven't really been sad about leaving. Ok well, I've been sad about leaving Steffen. Now I've realised that all that was just because I was only thinking about leaving Germany before it freezes over. But it's more than that, my gap year is over. Done. Complete. And really, I don't know if I'm sad or just deliriously happy that it has happened. I think it's the latter. It's so surreal I can't believe that after 5 years of thinking, dreaming and planning, the 11 months is done.

There's a quote from the DVD I mentioned earlier and it goes "People say, 'oh, you're so lucky.' It's not lucky, it's about attitude" I cannot stress how true this is. If I were lucky I would have spent this year in 5 star hotels, with no problems, probably would have travelled to other continents other than Europe and someone would have paid for it, all of it. Real life example - I was lucky to go to America last year. For this time over in Europe it was my money and my way. Not luck, but attitude. While travelling I was asked my aged countless times, as soon as I said 19 the person either a) didn't believe me or b) simply jumped to the conclusion that mummy and daddy are rich and generous to their daughter. I'm not just guessing this last one either as when I said I'm paying my way they were always shocked. Anyone could have done what I just did. Anyone can do what I just did, whether it be the backpacking part or the living abroad part or both. As the Nike slogan goes - Just Do It.

So I think I will do one more post about being home again and then that could be the end of the blog, who knows. But, thanks for following, I hope you enjoyed.
